February 15, 2013

Interesting video

MRMS families,

The MRMS faculty enjoyed a 'flipped' faculty meeting this past week.  In their own rooms with small groups of colleagues, faculty watched the video and then commented their reactions via a google document.  Using the google document allowed faculty from all over the building to collaborate with each other 'in live time' via the internet.  Without question, some interesting dialogue that surfaced about how schooling has changed for us--and for our students as we prepare them for a globally competitive world.
What are your reactions as to what schooling should be as we move into the 21st century? 

Please feel free to respond! 

1 comment:

  1. I watched this last night with my 6th grader and his comment at the end of the video was "wow"! I think that if we are truly preparing our kids for the 21st global economy we need schooling that encourages the creative side of our kids and gets our kids communicating about the process - explaining what they've done, why they did it and what it means to them. The future is not about fill-in-the-blanks, or follow the template. We know that in the kind of future in which our kids will be living, it won't be enough to know how to follow a step-by-step manual because that will only get them so far. We shouldn't want our schools to produce the kinds of kids who are lost without a starting form to personalize - when our future depends on them being the kind of kids who can create the form in the first place or better yet get along just fine without one. Tough to do of course in this environment of standardized testing and tough to assess!
