April 18, 2013

Miles River Parents and Guardians,
In the aftermath of the tragic events on Monday, 4/15, we at Miles River are hope-filled that all in our community continues to support each other through the seemingly answerable loss and confusion these events bring on all of us.

As the information continues to unfold on the various media outlets, we share the following resource as we continue to support our children as the days and weeks unfold.

We look forward to seeing our students back on Monday, please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Mr. D

April 8, 2013

Friends of the Arts information

Friends of the Arts
April 7, 2013
Don’t Miss This Terrific Opportunity!!

Wednesday, April10th at 7:00 PM in the Ferrini Dramatics Center at HWRHS. 
Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School’s Theater Workshop will perform their original one-act play "Static" which was selected to move on at both the Preliminary and Semi-Final rounds, and on to State Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild's High School One-Act Festival. Although the performance did not 'win' at the State festival, it was so strong that METG invited the troupe to represent the state at the New England Drama Festival in Rhode Island later this month.  All-Star Cast awards went to Emily Tanch and Lara Molner.

All are invited to attend Wednesday's performance. Running time is about an hour.
Admission is free. Donations are gratefully accepted.

Upcoming events:
Middle School Arts Night, Wednesday, April 24  6:00 – 7:30 PM  
Miles River Middle School
18th Annual Melody Miles 5k/5M and Fun Run Road race. Saturday May 25th at the Winthrop School. Save the date for this fun-filled community event.  It is FOTA's biggest fundraiser, so please come out and support the arts in the schools! Register atwww.melodymiles.org

Hamilton-Wenham Friends of the Arts Annual Meeting, Wednesday, June 12, 6:30 PM 
Hamilton-Wenham Public Library.  ALL ARE WELCOME!

Thank you for your interest in the Arts!
Hamilton-Wenham Friends of the Arts
Website: www.hwfota.org
Email: info@hwfota.org 

March 28, 2013

If time allows, take a peek at some great information being shared by our MS Phys Ed teachers:

Thanks to the work of Ms. Koch and Ms. Clark, we welcomed speakers from the Best Buddies organization today.  We had the majority of the school sign a large banner:  "Wipe out the R word" that will hang as a reminder of how to support our collective human dignity.

Have a great long weekend.

Mr. D.

March 24, 2013

Grade 7 MCAS--ELA Long Composition on 3/25/13!  We'll do great!

Also a reminder for the Principal's Coffee for tomorrow morning---3/25 @ 10 a.m. in the Multipurpose.  Topic--the future of MRMS-a dialogue.

Look forward to seeing all there!

Mr. D.

March 15, 2013

Dancing is Fun

Nothing like a Grade 7 and 8 Dance at Miles River!  Whoop, whoop!
Mr. D

March 13, 2013

Dance on Friday night

7th and 8th grade MRMS dance on Friday night... Tickets are to be purchased during lunches!

During lunch our Lucky Charms 'student-to-student' fundraiser continues.  A nice way for students to send a nice little gift to a member of the community in support of our Best Buddies program...

March 12, 2013

MCAS testing in the area of English/Language Arts begins next week on Tuesday the 19th with grade 7. Grade 8 will also be held next week, and Grade 6 the following week. 

Please review the schedule and--high levels of attendance by well rested students is appreciated! 

8th parents and guardians are invited to Friends of MRMS 8th Grade Dinner Dance/Spring Fling planning committee meeting next Thursday, March 21 here in the Multipurpose room @ 7p.m. 

We have expanded recess activities recently, and now students can participate in knitting, Chinese calligraphy, or a book club. If your sons and daughters are interested, please have them pick up a registration form in the main office! 

This Saturday March 16, the HS's Interact Club is hosting a Community Drop Off Day at the HS from 8 to noon. Collecting used clothing, shoes, and baby equipment... Here at the middle school, recess equipment donations are always welcomed as well!

March 4, 2013

Congratulations are  in order---Our MRMS students continue to shine across content and disciplines both in the classroom and in events, performances, and competitions across the state and region.  
Over the weekend, seven of our student who auditioned for Junior District Ensembles in the performance arts were accepted---every single person!  Thanks to Ms. Abby Frost for her efforts and dedication to our students......
Mary B
Julia B
Isabel M
Eve P
Katie R
Dennis V
Dan S

In addition, congrats are in order to our MRMS students who participated in the Northeast MA History Day contests.  Our students participated in the Junior Division, and all 5 students were awarded 1st place finishes, which qualifies all for the State History Day Contest on April 6th.  Thanks to Mr. Tyler Walker for his continued guidance and efforts with our History Day Club!

Maggie C and Dana R
Group Exhibit 
"Prosecution, Execution, and the Trial that Changed it All"--the Rosenburg Espionage Case

Maggie P and Jacqueline F
Group Documentary
"The Norwegian Resistance: Thwarting Hitler's Nuclear Ambitions"
***Special Award: 'Best World History Project'***

Dennis V
Individual Documentary
"Sputnik: A Turning Point in Education"

Wow!  We're proud of all of you.........

Mr. D.

February 27, 2013

Winners of Ms. Stephens' 8th grade read-athon be shared today---keep posted!  Thanks to Ms. Kim Claire who came to speak to our students about book selection for the Justice Unit as well--please review her blog when time allows...  http://informedteenshwlibrary.blogspot.com/

Congrats and thanks to our Student Council for their work and efforts with many of our students involved in Girls Scouts on our "THINK" before you speak week!  Let's avoid gossip and rumors throughout the weeks and days ahead....
Joselinne B
Chloe B
Margaret B
Emma C
Nicole E
Mackenzie H
Emme M
Julia S
Lily T

Also--amazing efforts generated by our 8th grade student Alexis L for her work in conjunction with our Student Council in their efforts in collecting gently used books for the Rafaki Orphanage in Ghana, Africa.  Amazing service and outreach in a global fashion....

Parents, please keep in mind that MCAS is starting up in just a few weeks!  Please make sure to check the calendar on the website..

Mr. D.

February 26, 2013

Welcome Back, everyone!  We hope all of our MRMS families had a wonderful vacation...  Please make note that Quarter Three academic progress reports have been made available via Edline as of 2/22. 

Great to see our Grade 8 students working on creating visuals in Art class with Ms. Concannon.  Students collaborating to design group sketches of a head, body, and legs that have no seeming connection to each other----interesting! 

Grade 6 Ancient Civilization projects on Ancient Egypt--amazing work in Ms. McKay's and Mr. Barker's classooms--and thanks to our parents for their efforts as well!

Grade 8 music students creating small music movies incorporating timing and melody via IMovie on the new Macs in the 2nd Floor computer lab!  Well done, Ms. Linkin!

Justice Unit books are being selected--thanks for the presentation by staff at our local library to give our students some interesting choices to consider.

History Day Competition is schedule this weekend at Beverly High School.  Thanks to Mr. Walker and all of our students who will represent our school community so well!

Mr. D.

February 20, 2013

Academic Progress Reports

We hope everyone is enjoying vacation week.  To all MRMS families, please make note that Quarter Three Academic Progress Reports have been posted to Edline Accounts as of 2/20.

We look forward to a safe return on Monday, February 25th.

Mr. D

February 15, 2013

Interesting video

MRMS families,

The MRMS faculty enjoyed a 'flipped' faculty meeting this past week.  In their own rooms with small groups of colleagues, faculty watched the video and then commented their reactions via a google document.  Using the google document allowed faculty from all over the building to collaborate with each other 'in live time' via the internet.  Without question, some interesting dialogue that surfaced about how schooling has changed for us--and for our students as we prepare them for a globally competitive world.
What are your reactions as to what schooling should be as we move into the 21st century? 

Please feel free to respond! 
What is effort?
-Some answers as we build some common language at home and at school:

One of the key finding is educational research over the last several years is that effective effort in school allows students to 'grow smarter' through perseverance, resourcefulness, and resiliency.  

As a parent myself, sometimes we can struggle with the concept of effort as a developed skill--yet below is some specific information on the topic that was developed by Jon Saphier and his research team.  Saphier has identified the skill of developing effective effort as 'attribution retraining'.  Through experiences at home and school, students often attribute school academic success on innate ability "he/she's just born smart" and/or mere chance "I just was lucky when I scored a good grade on this test".  Having spent almost 10 years in a middle school classroom, I can attest that when students were provided the clear strategies to their learning and then applied effective effort, they achieved the most academic success!

Here's Saphier's work--enjoy!

"What is Effective Effort?
(taken from The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills, by Saphier, Haley-Speca, Gower; 2008; pp. 299-301)
Students must believe that they have control over their success.  Attribution retraining means getting students to change their attributions of success and failure away from factors over which they have little control (luck, task difficulty, innate ability) to the factor over which they have the greatest control: effort.  Teaching effective effort means making students aware that effective effort (effort that results in the achievement of a goal) is a combination of working hard and applying effective strategies.  Emphasizing the strategy component with students is essential to giving them an explanation other than lack of ability when they are working hard and aren’t yet seeing progress….Students need to be taught what effective effort means and how to employ all six of its attributes:

  1. TIME: Do I put in sufficient time to get the job done?
Although time alone is far from sufficient to accomplish difficult academic tasks, it is absolutely required.  And it is true that some students truly don’t realize that several hours of outlining, drafting, and editing may be required to make an essay meet a high standard.

  1. FOCUS: Am I working efficiently and without distraction?
Work time should be efficient and low in distraction.  There is plenty of latitude for individual style in defining focus.  Some students don’t find music, even loud music, distracting while they work.  In fact for some it is a way of blocking out other environmental distractions.  But talking to friends about the upcoming weekend or watching TV while doing academic work is not compatible with the concept of focus.

  1. RESOURCEFULNESS: Do I reach out for help and know where to go for it?
Students need to know to reach beyond themselves for help, know how to do so, and where to go.  Sources of help may be other people (study buddies, homework help centers, relatives) or other sources (reference books, online services, reference librarians).

  1. STRATEGIES: What strategies am I using or could I use?  Do I have alternatives when a strategy isn’t working?
Students need to know and use appropriate strategies to deal with academic tasks.  A voluminous literature confirms that students do significantly better in academic work when their teachers explicitly teach them strategies for improving reading comprehension, organizing and revising writing, and reviewing, remembering, and summarizing (Paris, Wasik, and Turner, 1991; Pressley, Borkowski, and Schneider, 1987)

  1. USE OF FEEDBACK: How or where can I get feedback on what I am doing?  What does the feedback tell me about how to improve my performance?
Good students listen to and look carefully at the feedback they get from teachers and use it to improve their performance.

  1. COMMITMENT: When something is difficult, do I stick with it?  Do I really try hard?  Effective effort is grounded in will.  You have to want to accomplish something to put out the effort and organize yourself to complete a tough learning task.  You don’t have to like it, but you do have to be committed to trying hard.

Fancy Friday today!  
Thanks for the Student Council for organizing this fun activity over the last few Fridays. Thanks to Emma for the awesome t-shirts!

We hope you all enjoy a wonderful vacation.

February 14, 2013

Grade 6 Ancient Civilization project are absolutely amazing!  Great efforts by Ms. McKay and Mr. Barker for all of their leadership.  Outstanding perseverance by our 6th grades over the last 5 weeks.  We're proud of you!

Grade 8 students having the annual Friends of MRMS breakfast tomorrow morning followed by the tubing trip to Amesbury.  Special thanks to Ms. Kelly for organizing the trip and to the Friends for the scrumptious goodies for our students!  Please be reminded that students must wear appropriate attire for the weather---although it's a bit warmer outside, no shorts, please....

Best Buddies Valentines Day gathering taking place today!  Great fun.

To all of our families who have yet to pay for the various after-school extra-curriculars and or/intramurals, please make sure you forward those fees as soon as possible.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Great appreciation to the grade 8 families who came to the High School information night this past Monday---and special thanks to our 6-12 curriculum leaders for their thoughtful and welcoming presence.

We hope all of our families have a wonderfully relaxing and safe vacation.

Mr. Driscoll


January 31, 2013

Report Cards coming home with students tomorrow!  Please be sure to review.  

Our last Olweus 'kickoff' meeting with our grade 8 students.  Well done by all.  If parents/guardians want more information, please check out the links to the podcasts explaining the program.  
Special thanks to some of our students who participated in the podcasts!

Some unfortunately news--our anticipated guests from China had a last minute change in flight plans, and will not be able to join us for a tour of MRMS tomorrow... Hopefully a new opportunity will arise in the near future!

January 30, 2013

The next HS/MS Friends meeting is Monday, 2/4/13 at 1pm in the MRMS multipurpose room.

Dr. Harvey, the District Superintendent, will be attending and speaking about the upcoming budget, his entry plan findings, and his plans for where to go from here.  This will be a very informational meeting so we encourage all who can to attend.
Reminder to our 8th grade students---permission forms for the tubing trip are due by this Friday.  Please turn them in to your homeroom teachers...
Seventh Graders had their Olweus School-Climate meeting and workshop today---we welcome parents to ask how it went!
Information about the program on our podcasts--located on the website as well...

January 29, 2013

Olweus Anti-Bullying/School Climate comes to Miles River and the HWRSD.

Special thanks to Ms. Reynolds, Ms. Clark, Mr. Deknatel, Ms. Partridge, Ms. Koch, Mr. Memmolo, Ms. Frost, and Mr. Fecke for the great sixth grade 'kickoff' event.

I would encourage our MRMS parents and guardians to look at the Olweus podcasts available right on the homepage to become familiar with all of the components of our program!

Nice work all!  

January 28, 2013

MRMS families, 

In a ConnectED email message on Friday, I had indicated that the forum to meet with the finalist for the HS principal's position were going to be held during the day today and tomorrow (10-11; 1-2) here at MRMS. 

This was not accurate. The open forum for parents/guardians will be tonight and tomorrow night, (1/28 and 1/29) @ 5:30 p.m. in the High School music room. Today's sessions are to provide faculty and students the opportunity to meet with the candidates. 

I apologize for the confusion on the matter. If you did plan on attending one of the sessions during the day today and cannot make the evening session, we would be happy to accommodate you! 

January 25, 2013

International Students to visit Miles River!

We are please to announce that 25 students from 3 different middle schools in Shanghai, China will join us for a tour and classes on February 1st.  Special thanks to Dr. Harvey for his efforts in making this visit come to fruition.

Pictures of the event to follow...

MRMS Parents

Please stop by to meet and visit with the finalists for the H-W High School Principalship

Location: Miles River Multipurpose Room

Dates: Monday 1/28 (candidate 1), Tuesday 1/29 (candidate 2)

Times: 10-11 and 1-2 on each day!

Copy and paste this link from the H-W Patch regarding the candidate's backgrounds!

January 23, 2013

Ski Bradford---cancelled for today, Wednesday, January 23rd!

Thanks to all of the parents/guardians who came out to view our 'Tech Tools' at MRMS here on January 22nd...

Thanks to our teachers for their efforts---true pioneers as we pilot, learn, and grow from use of the web and its resources to engage students and foster learning in the 21st Century

We will look to plan another evening in the spring, as well as provide information to our incoming families about these new possibilities as we coordinate our transition programs!

Thanks again to all!  We appreciate your support!!

January 17, 2013

Information from Center of Disease Control--flu

We are all aware of the various strains of the flu that are moving around!  Please find some information for parents/guardians from the Center of Disease Control!

Everyday Preventive Actions
That Can Help Fight Germs, Like Flu

What are everyday preventive actions?
CDC recommends a three-step approach to fighting the flu.
How does the flu spread?
Flu viruses are thought to spread mainly from person to person through the coughing, sneezing, or talking of someone with the flu. Flu viruses also may spread when people touch something with
flu virus on it and then touch their mouth, eyes, or nose. Many other viruses spread these ways too.
People infected with flu may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5-7 days after becoming sick. That means you may be able to spread the flu to someone else before you know you are sick as well as while you are sick. Young children, those who are severely ill, and those who have severely weakened immune systems may be able to infect others for longer than 5-7 days.
Everyday preventive actions are steps that people can take to help slow the spread of germs that cause respiratory illness, like flu. These include the following personal and community actions:

• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. This will block the spread of droplets from your mouth or nose that could contain germs.

• Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs spread this way.

• Try to avoid close contact with sick people.

• If you or your child gets sick with a respiratory illness, like flu, limit contact with others as much as
possible to help prevent spreading illness. 

  • Stay home (or keep your child home) for at least 24 hours after fever is gone except to seek medical care or for other necessities. Fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.

• If an outbreak of flu or another illness occurs, follow public health advice. This may include
information about how to increase distance
between people and other measures.

January 15, 2013

Miles River Families,

Next Tuesday evening, January 22nd from 6-7p.m., we are invite our MRMS parents and guardians to come and get a glimpse of how the latest technologies have provided us new instructional tools to serve your sons and daughters!

A group of MRMS teachers will demonstrate how they use these new instructional tools in their classrooms and provide explanation about their potential uses at home!

Topics and sessions on: Edmodo, Wordplay, Quizlet, and Educreations will be offered. If you're not sure what these are, this is the informational night for you!

Should you have any questions, please contact me (j.driscoll@hwschools.net) or Ms. Kevan Sano (K.Sano@hwschools.net)!

Please RSVP to Ms. Martha Curran at: m.curran@hwschools.net and indicate you will attend the 'tech tools' evening. 

Thank you and we hope to see you there!

January 12, 2013

Another great show!

Congrats to Ms. Marcie McKenzie, Ms. Abby Frost, and the entire cast and crew of the MRMS production of 'Honk'.  Final show is tonight at 7 p.m. at Ferrini Auditorium!

January 11, 2013

Look forward to seeing everyone at the MRMS musical "Honk"--tonight at 7p.m. in the Ferrini Auditorium.. Went last evening, and it was OUTSTANDING!  BRAVO!